Page 92 - PBL614 IM/SM500F-EN SM500F ( WIRO)
P. 92

Field mountable paperless recorder 7 Configuration
  7.7.4 Archiving
  Select the archive file format required – Text format or Binary format.
 The selected archive file format is applied automatically to both process groups. It is not possible to set each group to different formats.
 If 'Enable Batch Recording' on the 'Batch' tab is set to 'On', the archive file format is set automatically to 'Binary format' and cannot be changed.
Select the data types that are to be archived to the storage media: Channel Data; Alarm Event log; Totalizer log; Audit log.
 The totalizer log file can be enabled only if the totalizer option is enabled.
 Batch log files are generated automatically if batch recording is enabled and cannot be de-selected.
     File Type
Channel data files
Analog or digital recording channel signals in the current process group
*.D00 (Text) or *.B00 (Binary)
Alarm event log files
The historical record of the alarm events related to the group's channels plus the history of any operator messages, electronic signatures or real time alarms.
*.E00 (Text) or *.EE0 (Binary)
Totalizer log files
The historical record of all totalizer and associated statistical values relating to the group's recording channels.
*.T00 (Text) or *.TE0 (Binary)
Audit log files
The historical entries in the audit log.
*.A00 (Text) or *.AE0 (Binary)
           Note. Displayed only if 'Archive file format' is set to 'Text format'.
Enter the filename (max. 20 characters) to be used to identify the channel
data archive files.
Note. The following characters cannot be used in the filename tag: \, /, :, *, ?, ", <, >, |, superscript characters, ~,  and o. These are greyed-out (color recorders) or blanked out when selected (monochrome recorders) on the keyboard.
IM/SM500F Rev. AA

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