Page 41 - Demo
P. 41
fisher labs hand held metal detectors
Detects ferrous and non-ferrous metal. 3 position swith for power, audio and vibrate. 110 kHz operating frequency.
garrett tactical hand held metal dector
Most rugged, compact metal detector on the 210 market. With a highly senstive 360 detection
area and a silent vibrating alarm indicator, the
THD is the perfect metal detector for all LE.
garret superwand hand held metal detector
Uniform sensitivity and tip pinpointing to detect weapons and other metal objects with extreme accuracy.
garrett csi pro-pointer pinpointing detector
Speeds the search and recovery efforts of crime 180 scene evidence. This highly-sensitive pinpointer
has both audible and vibrating alarms and
requires no tuning.
garrett supe scanner v hand held detector
Originally designed for use at the Olympic 210 Games in 1984, Garrett’s Super Scanner is the
most recognized hand held metal detector in
the world.
Metal Detectors