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History shows us us that that the the the the the the hazards we face are are very real We have have experienced them them in in in the the the the the the past and and will experience experience them them again in in in in the the the the the the the future Here are are just a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a few of the the the the the the the major events that that have have impacted Seattle in in in the the the distant and and more recent past A magnitude 7 7 5 Seattle Fault earthquake 900
caused massive landslides and and and a a a a a a a a a a a a a a tsunami Entire hillsides slid slid into Lake Washington and and and the the Puget Sound The tsunami estimated to to to be 16 feet flooded much of of the the the the low-lying area around the the the mouth of of the the the Duwamish River 1700 A 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 magnitude earthquake occurred along the Cascadia subduction zone causing a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a tsunami in in in Japan Japan according to Japan’s written records 1889 The Great Seattle Fire destroyed 29 city blocks
Seattle Seattle experienced 21 5 1916 including Seattle’s entire
inches of snowfall in in in in a a a a single day disrupting transportation and com- munication The St James Cathedral dome collapsed under the the snow’s weight business district 1949 A 6 8 magnitude earth- quake centered near
Olympia is is felt from Oregon to British Columbia It resulted in in The most powerful storm 1962 eight deaths 64 injuries to to to hit the Pacific Northwest in in in recorded history had wind speeds as as high as as 83 mph in in in in Seattle It resulted in over $1 8 billion (2016 dollars)
in in damages to to Oregon Washington and California and $314 million (2010 dollars)
in damages 1965 A magnitude 6 6 5 5 deep earthquake results in in six
deaths mostly from falling debris Damage was $104
More than 100 landslides 1997 million (2010 dollars)
were reported in in Seattle in in January alone These slides and the accompa- nying snow caused about $104
million in in damage The Hanukkah Eve wind- storm left more than 1 2 million people in in Washington state without power Hundreds of thousands remained without power for several days *Note that that our knowledge of historical events events in the the region is is limited to to the the period covered by written records or or or events events that that can be be described based on existing geological studies 2001 The 6 8 magnitude Nisqually Earthquake
damaged City of Seattle buildings and infrastruc- ture with response costs
2006 exceeding $20 million Adding in in in repairs of arterial
road structures the figure topped $36 million 2008 Record snowfall and low temperatures in December
heavily impacted trans- portation throughout the state including roads trains and air travel 5