Page 1 - Structural Highway Design_Neat
P. 1

Highway Engineering

               Prof.Dr. Mahmoud Elbaz Elshourbagy

   1. Highway Geometric Design

   2. Highway Structural Design (Pavement Design)


The information will be included in the pavement design report. This section
discusses the major requirements critical to a pavement design:

    • traffic loads
    • serviceability index
    • material characterization

   1. Traffic Loads

One of the primary functions of a pavement is load distribution.. Loads, the vehicle
forces exerted on the pavement (e.g., by trucks, heavy machinery, airplanes), can
be characterized by the following parameters:

   • tire loads
   • axle and tire configurations
   • typical axle load limits
   • repetitions of axle loads
   • traffic distribution (by direction and lane)
   • traffic projections.

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