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                 Your Health
FDB will seek opportunities to improve your professional skills to help advance your career. We will also encourage you to improve your health and wellbeing.
    Health Initiatives
   Health Checks
• All employees are offered a health check, including blood pressure, cholesterol and fitness test on site. • In order to reduce illness during the winter, Influenza vaccine shall be available.
   Sport Contribution
• We will sponsor your membership of a sports club. You can apply for a reimbursement of up to DKK 1300 per year.
• Various ad hoc sports activities are offered on site.*
   Massage, Physiotherapy & Ergonomics
• All employees have access to massage* and physiotherapy*.
• The mandatory ergonomic course for all employees in order to prevent work related injuries
shall be maintained.
• You have the possibility to book an occupational therapist who can advise you on correct working
positions and ergonomics.
• All employees will continue to have the opportunity to have meals* in the canteen throughout the day. Your contribution to the canteen will continue to be deducted directly from your salary.
• Breakfast: Every Friday morning, we will continue to offer a delicious breakfast in the canteen.
• Afternoon break: Every last Thursday of the month, we meet for an afternoon coffee/tea break with
goodies in the canteen.
 *Payment may be required for some activities

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