Page 1 - HomeMatters Q3 2020
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                       On-site is alright!              Lessons Learned                     IT Matters
                 #APTeamsDay highlights the work    PMA held its first ever virtual   Learn about the newest tech
                 of our essential on-site workforce   PMExpo which  included a webinar   that IT has launched amid the
                      during the pandemic.           about the COVID-19 crisis.         COVID-19 pandemic.

                                                      F A L L  20 20

                                               REWARDING OUR TEAMS
                      A LETTER FROM OUR CEO
                                                                              #APTEAMSDAY was the first annual onsite
                      I hope this message
                      finds you and your                                      team appreciation day sponsored by NAA.
                      families safe and well.                                 Instead of just one day though, we decided
                      Although the global                                     to make this a weeklong event with raffles
        pandemic has drastically altered the                                  to prizes that were contributed by our vendors.
        way we live our lives each day and                                    Together, our vendor partners donated more
        how we run our apartment communities,                                 than $2000 worth of gifts and gift cards that
        our company has not faltered in our                                   were used to reward our amazing teams!
        mission to strive for greatness. During                               Don’t miss the story in NAA highlighting our
        this unprecedented time, we continue                                  participation: We
        to communicate with our employees,                                    also assembled a video as our way of saying
        residents and owners using our values                                 thank you:
        and mission as the foundation.
                                               PMExpo VIRTUAL WEBINAR
        Our Covid Response Team continues
        to monitor and enhance our efforts to   The PMEXPO 2020 session “Lessons
        keep everyone safe according to CDC    Learned from Covid-19” took a look at
        guidelines and best practices. Over    the ways property management
        the past months, we have maintained    companies continue to adjust to life
        occupancy, done better than average    amid the pandemic. Panelists, including
        on collections, and managed to         Edgewood and Vantage CEO Cindy
        complete two lease ups in record       Sanquist, shared some of the steps their
        breaking time. We have also expanded   companies have taken in response to the
        our resident portal “Active Building”,   health crisis, including those new practices that may be here to stay. From flexibility
        as well as having made other techno-   for on-site teams to leveraging technology to expanding communication, the
        logical advances, to ensure that timely   pandemic is changing the way that operations are conducted at the property level.
        and seamless business operations and   Click here for the full recap in Multifamily Insiders:
        communications occur while residents
        are in their homes.
                                                 CONSTRUCTION UPDATES
        While the pandemic creates challenges
        for human connection, it has also        ARTHUR CAPPER SENIOR
        presented opportunities such as          OPENING SOON
        NAA’s first-ever #APTeamsDay, in         We’re excited to see the rebuild of
        which we were featured. Seldom           this senior community in Capitol Hill
        before has our shared humanity and       come together. Arthur Capper is
        vulnerability been more apparent.        already leasing and will feature 162
        Each of us is experiencing emotions      apartments with Capital skyline views.
        we would never have considered,
        yet the increased generosity of spirit
        that we show one another each day
        is very apparent.
        Thank you, we sincerely appreciate
        your contributions. Please stay safe.
        Cindy Sanquist
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