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Why Choose
American Advisorsmerican Advisors
Why should you choose
American Advisors Group (AAG)?
AAG is committed to helping homeowners 62 and over gain the financial What can qualify me for
stability they deserve by helping them to convert a portion of their home a HECM Loan?
equity into cash. At AAG, we work hard to find solutions for borrowers that
fit their unique needs. A Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) as well p Must be age 62
as a growing Home Equity Line of Credit can be an effective way to convert years or older; a non-
home equity into tax-free cash*. borrowing spouse may
As the nation’s #1 HECM lender, AAG is an established company you can be under age 62
trust. We are Better Business Bureau accredited, a U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development approved lender and a member of the p Own your home
National Reverse Mortgage Association (NRMLA).
p Occupy your home as
AAG is dedicated to HECM loans and helping seniors find the financial your principal residence
security they deserve. We have built our success on a strong foundation
by offering superior customer service to our borrowers, nurturing our drive
for innovation and excellence, while operating with the highest degree of (Borrower must meet the financial
integrity. requirements of the HECM loan)
Call today to learn more about the unique financial solutions
that a HECM Loan can offer you!