Page 1 - B2BAAG01_Affinity Flyer
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Can You Help...                                                         What if you could…
                                                                               3 Relieve financial stress on your employees
       Your Employees Retire Better?                                             and retirees caused by anticipating
                                                                                 retirement income gaps

                                                                               3 Provide solutions for your employees that
                                                                                 are weighed down by their obligation to
        The Challenge                                                            support aging parents or family members
        As 76 million baby boomers  near the end of their working lives, the
        nation is facing an imminent retirement financial crisis.              3 Supplement your financial education
                                                                                 programs to include strategies for
                                                                                 integrating home equity into retirement
                                                                                 income strategies
                             Did you know…
        Over the past year, 3 out of 10 baby boomers postponed their plans          Be the solution to overcoming your
        to retire, with 26% anticipating retirement at age 70 or later .               employees’ retirement crisis

             24%                   55%                   42%                   The Home Equity
                                                                               Mortgage (HECM)
         baby boomers         baby boomers have       baby boomers             3 A strategic
        confident in their     some retirement        have less than
            savings 2              savings 2            $100,000 2               financial tool
                                                                               3 A solution for
        These same individuals have over $6.8 trillion tied up in home           poor market
        equity .                                                                 performance,
                                                                                 supplementing income
                                                                                 for medical care, bridging the
           Could your organization provide the educational resources for them    social security gap, and many other uses
             to retire with the security and peace of mind they’ve imagined?
                                                                               3 A solution to the financial challenge of
                                                                                 relocating and right-sizing

                                                                               3 A valuable part of a comprehensive
        3 More than 1 in 6 American workers are also caregivers ,                financial plan
          and 28% of them report that they believe their                       The HECM loan is a non-recourse
          employers are unaware of their care-giving status .                  loan insured by the Federal Housing
        3 53% of workers say that retirement planning programs                 Administration (FHA) that enables borrowers
          would be helpful in increasing their productivity at                 age 62 or better to access the equity in their
                                                                               homes in the form of a lump sum, monthly
          work .
                                                                               payments, or through a line of credit.
        3  The cost to employers due to lost productivity of                   Although borrowers are still required to pay
          employee caregivers is as high as $33 billion .                      their property taxes, homeowners insurance,
                                                                               and maintain the condition of the property,
                                                                               they are not required to make monthly
            At AAG, we receive nearly 50,000 inquiries a month  about Home     mortgage or interest payments until the
           Equity Conversion Mortgages. Your employees are asking about it,    home is sold or the last borrower moves out
             wouldn’t you like to provide them with answers and resources?     of the home.

        For Human Resources professionals only - not intended for distribution to the general public.          B2BAAG01
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