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        Purchase smart.

        Purchase reverse.

                               10 REASONS TO CONSIDER

            a Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) for Purchase Loan

          1.  Increase your cash flow with no                    6.  Have the comfort of buying a home that
             monthly mortgage payments. (Borrower                   aligns with your desired lifestyle.
             must continue to pay property taxes,
             homeowner’s insurance, and maintain the             7.   Peace of mind that your loan is insured by
             home.)                                                 the Federal Housing Administration (FHA).

          2.  Afford more home with the same cash                8.  Confidence in ownership as title will remain
             investment.                                            in your name so long as you comply with
                                                                    the loan terms.
          3.  More cash in your pocket with closing costs
             included in the loan.                               9.  Access to a specialized team that will guide
                                                                    you through their process.
          4.  Never owe more that what your home is
             worth when the loan becomes due.                    10.  Get ahead of the curve, take control of
                                                                     your cash flow and live the life you’ve
          5. Create financial flexibility.                           worked for!

                           Connect with a specialist today!
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