Page 42 - WTP Vol.X #8
P. 42

 Kenneth Kesner
granite afternoon
now and then i see the crowds and someone else turns aside the ones not to be met this morning even later in the day
they look back as one does nearby a tall building or other place you never quite know until you’ve passed by and sense another they’ll call out but not by name speaking as only strangers can so far alone no one can hear you and more could’ve been said possibly untrue and again you must choose what to believe
all the thoughts forgotten as you disappear in lightning grey sky just one more sacred act like the way monks cut you to heal
count those who stand between light and dark on their way home
Kesner has lived and worked in Asia for several years. He’s twice received a publication award from National Cheng-chi University (ROC) and accepted academic placements through the State Administration of Foreign Experts (PRC). He received but declined a one-year appointment to the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Some recent works are or will be featured in: Arlington Literary Journal, Quail Bell Magazine, San Pedro River Review, Sleet Magazine, and Wayne Literary Review.

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