Page 58 - WTP Vol. IX #2
P. 58

 “Ifabricate objects with meticulous handmade details that contrast with
the banality of their materials.
By repurposing solicitations, safety envelopes, and catalogs that are difficult to recycle (because their inks have high concentrations of heavy metals), my work explores consumerism and waste through a repetitive practice mirroring domestic tasks. Shredding these marketing tools breaks down their physical and ascribed composition so I can roll, fold, sew, and fabricate the shreds into intimate sculp- tural reliefs. Process, surface, and texture reshape formulaic messages into forms based upon impressions from recollections and observations. Conventional, im- personal messages become personal, domestic, and cultural narratives.”
In Search of Beauty #9
shredded Departures catalog, safety envelopes, promotional mail, thread over armature, 6'' x 6'' x 2''
Jaynie criMMinS

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