Page 16 - WTP Vol. XI #3
P. 16

 “Navigating the uncertainties of midlife, I’ve begun to consider the time I have left to live, and how I
I could remain in the comfort of the familiar routines I’ve built, or I could venture into a less comfortable un- known that offers possibility and expansion. The uncer- tain space between these two choices is a demanding place to be, an uneasy transition that’s universal to the human experience, but feels solitary when it’s happen- ing to oneself. Deliberating the pros and cons of either path, I realize that I’m caught in a binary way of think- ing, controlled by the dilemma. Yet the ethos of our culture nudges me to decide and act.
Looking at my surroundings, I’m drawn to capture scenes that embody these internal states: encounters between seemingly opposing forces, objects that run parallel but never meet, moments of despair inextri- cably combined with fleeting illumination. In times of internal balance, I can float, breathe, and endure the tension of opposites. While clarity is something I long for, I’ve come to recognize that the tension of not knowing is not a problem to be solved, but rather, an unexpected source of inspiration and expression. Each day is a new lesson in my tolerance for ambiguity: to not know how things will turn out, and to accept being suspended in the state of becoming.”
All works in this “Enduring Indecision” series: archival pigment print on premium luster paper, matte satin laminate, aluminum dibond. 16'' x 24''
want to live it.
Natalie ChriSteNSeN

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