Page 76 - Vol. VI #1
P. 76

“An important subset of images in this series consists of Fuji Instax prints
combined with these objects. I ejected some of the In- stax prints from the camera undeveloped, which means they are white. I over exposed other Instax prints to the point of pure blackness, which obscures the underlying image. These pictures are created in seconds right be- fore the viewer’s eyes, yet they keep their secrets under a  eld of white or black.
The  at, straightforward way this series was lit and photographed in the studio suggests that the photos might be commercial stock images, but each picture has a twist that pushes its meaning farther than the purpose of a stock photo. At the same time, stock photos, now sold for pennies on the internet, are meant to convey a sense of universality. The Inside Dog series starts at a common point of entry and then asks viewers to question the self—mine and ev- eryone’s.”
Inside Pink
archival print 20'' x 16''
Kitchen Table
archival print 20'' x 16''

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