Page 58 - WTP Vol. X #2
P. 58

 “This Ethereal World series was born out of the Covid experience,
out of fears of being infected, of the unknown, of the future, of the present. I began a few quick abstract paintings on paper, looking for a new way to see this new world. After a few months, I started paying more attention to my daily routine of sitting on my porch at various times of day, observing the woods around me and the small changes that I now had time to witness. I was really not interested in painting some illustrative depiction; I wanted to con- vey more of an emotional abstract interpretation. The word ‘ethereal’ allows for the light, the airy, and the heavenly as well as the breathless, darkness, and melancholy—without one you cannot understand the other.”
oil on canvas 22’’ x 28’’
gReg sT. JohN

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