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Cut Loose #3
oil pastel, pencil, colored pencil and charcoal on Fabriano paper 22'' x 30''
“In a drawing, the support (the paper) must offer the adequate surface and the precise size that corresponds to the weight and force of the image. Misjudging
the size and weight of the paper will distort the content, rendering it either too strong or too weak. Although the materials and the support are at the service of the drawing, they also have an identity of their own, complete and autonomous. Nonetheless, it is important that they surrender this identity when necessary, that they sacrifice them- selves to the work. Only when they function in harmony do they make the content clear and unambiguous to the artist, and, later on, to the viewer....In the act of work- ing on a drawing or a sculpture, the gesture is short, defined, and austere. Darkness and its counterpoint, extreme light, are often present. The marks are economical and straightforward: they expand without exaggerating; they do not preen, preach, or pre- tend; they persuade without argument, and reduce without diminishing.”

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