Page 24 - FDCC Pandemic Book
P. 24

Living in a Pandemic: A Collection of Stories on Coping, Resilience & Hope
Orangetheory was able to endure the pandemic, only having to permanently shut down two studios. The company was able to survive by practicing social distancing, wearing masks, cleaning in between classes, and providing smaller class sizes. Orangetheory also made the jump to virtual training, releasing OT Live, a virtual platform that allowed members to get real-time training from coaches who can see their workouts. The platform, first launched in Canada, will be released in California in the coming months. The quick adaption to pandemic restrictions has allowed the boutique gym to flourish while others have failed.
As gyms were deemed unsafe at the start of a global pandemic, fitness enthusiasts turned toward new platforms to stay active. Virtual platforms and fitness apps have taken center stage as they feature a safer way to exercise. Fitness apps typically provide social features where members can encourage each other, share workout routines, and compare and compete with activities.
Strava, a social media app for athletes, has published stats showing women have led the charge in the large activity boom and numbers increase with the app. According to the review, the UK saw the largest increase in people logging their activities on Strava – community members shared more than a billion activities and nearly 400 million photos with each other.4 Community members encouraged each other to stay active by way of virtual marathons to midway walks while working from home. The social aspect of the app has cultivated a community that will likely stick around post-pandemic.
Although times have changed and the new normal can appear daunting at times, fitness has endured and adapted. Taking proper precautions and researching the best way to stay active will ensure that fitness remains a top priority in these trying times.
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