Page 35 - FDCC Pandemic Book
P. 35

 Instead of going to the office that morning as I had planned, I went to St. Louis. That impromptu road trip remains one of the few bright spots during the pandemic because it gave us the chance to bond over such a momentous event.
College During the Pandemic
W hen I think back to my years as an undergraduate at the University of New Mexico, images of the good times that I had, and the friendships that I enjoyed are what first comes to mind. Attending sporting events, parties, and yes, maybe even a few hours at UNM’s beautiful Zimmerman Library studying, are some of my favorite memories. However, for those students attending college during a
pandemic, vastly different experiences are at the forefront.
Even though my own college days are further in the past than I would like to admit, I have been tasked with writing about the college experience during the pandemic. Perhaps I am somewhat uniquely qualified amongst the FDCC membership for this job because in March of 2020, I had four children in college. My wife Sara (who is also an attorney) and I are raising a blended family that includes my set of 20 year old triplets and my step-daughter that is one week older than the triplets. (Just to make sure we never retire, my wife and I had two more children...but the Turner family history is another topic for another day).
Norman, Wood, Kendrick & Turner Birmingham, AL

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