Page 71 - FDCC Pandemic Book
P. 71

Living in a Pandemic: A Collection of Stories on Coping, Resilience & Hope
On three occasions, starting in June, I was able to fly to Ohio, masked and shielded, to visit and work with him outside. Our relationship is stronger now than it has ever been. I have also learned never to underestimate the stamina of an 85 year-old farmer. By now, he has had both shots of the Moderna vaccine, with rural Ohio doing far better than Silicon Valley in that connection. Gratefully, Debbie’s father has also been vaccinated with the first shot, with the second scheduled in a few weeks.
As if the pandemic weren’t challenging enough, we were forced to evacuate our home for ten days in September as the Carmel fire came within a ridgeline of our neighborhood, then inexplicably stopped. The pandemic has challenged us all, but the Roberts are acutely aware that we have been blessed beyond measure with no one in our extended family suffering serious illness or death as have so many. Our offices remain closed, but we have more than survived and adapted.
We mourn with those who have
lost loved ones, students who have
missed their junior and senior
years, workers who have lost their jobs, and those who have struggled to make ends meet. The toll on our nation and the world is incalculable. But through it all, one thing I know for sure is that we are blessed and privileged to have been able to reunite as a family, to become closer to God, and to strengthen the bonds of our marriage.

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