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Law Practice Management
legal work will continue. During the pandemic, we saw a shift to virtual meetings, conferences and trainings. Post-pandemic, we have seen a hybrid approach of virtual and in-person. Clients and employees will expect more on the technology front.
Role of non-lawyers in operations, marketing, client development and human resources.
Many law firms are turning to non-lawyers to manage the business side of the firm. More mid-size law firms are hiring Chief Operating Officers, Chief Financial Offers and Directors of Marketing, Human Resources and Client Development. Looking ahead, we are likely to see law firm marketing departments expand into more areas. Similarly, law firm HR departments are expanding into more focused talent acquisition strategies, the development and implementation of diversity strategies and law firm culture.
Client satisfaction and client relations.
In a highly competitive environment, law firms will continue to look for ways to provide value to their clients. Tracking key performance metrics is one way to do that through transparent reporting. With advanced document and case management systems, things like case outcome, the speed in which you close a case and client guideline compliance are all things that can be tracked. Providing value-adds to clients, including trainings and legal alerts. Regularly speaking with clients to assess how you’re doing, which also leads to cross-marketing.
Achieving DEI goals is as important as ever for law firms. It remains a key part of strategic planning for firms, in recruitment, hiring and retention. DEI platforms are integral to a law firm’s growth strategy, as well part of law firm culture. DEI will also continue to matter to clients who are similarly focused on moving their own initiatives in this area forward.
Work life balance – where does one begin and the other end?
The hybrid work environment has created flexibility but also makes the distinction between work life and home life less apparent. We know that work life balance matters but finding ways to implement it will continue to be at the forefront of law firm management.
Law Firm culture.
Fostering culture will remain a priority for firms because it is tied to employee satisfaction, retention, performance, and productivity. Workers will continue to prioritize culture when making decisions about where to work. The focus on mental health, well-being, community service and inclusive culture are important components of promoting a positive culture.
Remote work or hybrid work or work in the office.
This debate continues to rage on. The question for most firms is how to balance the benefits of flexibility against the needs of the business, practice areas and clients.
Jody Briandi is the President/Managing Partner of Hurwitz Fine P.C., in Buffalo, NY. Contact her at:

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