Page 4 - FDCC_InsightsSpecialIssue23.2
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     Dear FDCC Colleague:
I always brag about how talented our members are, how knowledgeable they are about their areas of practice, how deep their expertise and insights run, and how dedicated they are to the education and improvement of our profession. The publication you have before you now stands as a testament to all of those things.
This publication contains seventy-one articles contributed by eighteen different substantive law sections of the FDCC. These articles discuss cutting edge topics, prognostications for the future in various practice areas, useful best practices, traps for the unwary, and much more -- all written by subject matter experts in their field.
These articles were the result of efforts by countless contributors, including the authors, the chairs and vice chairs of our substantive law sections, the leaders of the Projects and Objectives Committee, and the team at FDCC Headquarters. The substantive sections of the FDCC are the lifeblood of the knowledge component of the FDCC’s mission. They are also one of the primary paths through which the connections and relationships among and between our members are forged. Respect and friendships grow as people accomplish great things and have fun doing it.
On behalf of the Board, the Officers, myself personally, and the entire membership of the Federation that stands to benefit from this tremendous work product, thanks to all who contributed to this special publication. I am very proud of it. You all should be as well.
And to our members, please share this publication with your clients and colleagues. What better way to demonstrate the firepower and depth of the FDCC, and by implication, the value of your membership in it. We hope this is a continuing project going forward. Consider participating in the next round and demonstrating your expertise to your peers.
Very truly yours,
Howard A. Merten FDCC President

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