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Page 4 NEWFOUNDLAKELIFE.COM March 2023 Community How to Treat a “Bully”...A Holistic Approach
By: William nieman
mushrooms, okra, and seaweed.
“glad grace” that the poet, Yeats,
would often speak of when writ-
Dr. Kim Lamb’s veterinary
From the variety I saw initially,
ing of admirable women. Kim
facility is in a log structure on
I surmised that this practice
the Tenney Mountain High-
promoted a vegan diet for the
Lamb is tall and trim, main-
way. Entering the building, I
taining the fitness of her college
patients. But then I noticed a
years as a track and field hockey
was warmed by the welcoming
couple of ads promoting meat
words of Corinna, Dr. Lamb’s
products. Later as Kim and I
athlete. She continues to “prac-
young receptionist, and by the
tice what she preaches” about
talked, she spoke enthusiastically
diet and exercise as she enjoys
heat emanating from a propane
of enjoying an occasional steak.
stove strategically located in the
Perhaps that delectation adds to
hiking, skiing, and practicing
center of the large waiting room.
Tai Chi. Kim invited me into
her empathy for dogs and cats
her small office to engage in the
The spacious room speaks of the
that don’t have “real carnivore”
doctor’s unique practice. She is
food in their diets. Dr. Lamb
give-and-take of an interview for
a holistic veterinarian. Portraits
this article.
doesn’t hide her distaste for pet
of dogs and cats hang from the
diets that are contrived from
I had many questions about
walls. Numerous shelves and
cereal “after products.” She
her life and career and about
glass cases hold the promise
the nature of holistic medicine.
quickly points out that the den-
of her practice’s ability to heal
tal arcade of carnivores such as
Kim was born in Maryland. Her
most animal illnesses. Hundreds
dogs and cats is only one indica-
parents owned a Cable TV fran-
of natural supplemental cures
chise. The family moved to New
tion that those species evolved to
with names like Heather Es-
eat meat.
Hampshire, where Kim gradu-
sence, Water Violet, and Star of
ated from Exeter High School.
Dr. Lamb entered the recep-
Bethlehem are presented in vials
She attended UNH, earning a
tion room and greeted me as I
or small bottles. Larger contain-
settled into one of the comfort-
degree in Animal Science. She
ers hold the healing powers of
did her graduate work at Iowa
able chairs facing the fire. She
State University. She received a
came into the room with that
Master’s Degree in Reproductive
Physiology and then attained a
Dr. Lamb with a recovering patient.
DVM degree from Iowa State.
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