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November 2022 NEWFOUNDLAKELIFE.COM Page 13 Community
 Giving Back and Coming Together to Fight Food
By lauRa BRusseau
With the price of many living expenses going up, more and more of our neighbors are look- ing for assistance in putting food on the table.
The Greater Newfound area is a region full of generous hearts who are ready to help and serve!
Bristol Community Ser- vices, located at 21 North Main Street across from Cumberland Farms, has a food pantry for residents of Bristol, Bridgewa- ter, Hebron, Groton, and Alex- andria. Community members fill out a quick application and, once approved, can benefit from the food pantry. It is open Mon- day, Wednesday, and Friday from 9 AM to 2 PM. They currently serve seventy to eighty families each month. Generous dona- tions come from community members, the NH Food Bank, Boy Scout groups, and School groups. In addition, the Bristol Hannaford donates to the pan- try each week. BCS is currently looking for donations of cereal.
Danbury Community Center, located at 15 High Street Danbury, has a food pan- try and weekly dinner. These services are open to residents of Danbury and the neighboring towns of Alexandria and Gro- ton.
For the past eight years, Ken- dra Braley, Executive Director of the Community Center and Food Program Manager, has poured her heart into serving the community where she grew up. The Pantry is open on Tues- days from 10 AM to 12 PM and Thursdays 6-8 PM. Generous donations to stock the food bank come from the New London and Bristol Hannafords, The NH Food Bank, Churches in Dan- bury and New London, as well as Boy Scouts and very generous community members. Over the past few months, there has been a rise in those coming for assis- tance. The Center sees about twenty families a week.
The Danbury Community Center hosts a weekly hot din- ner meal on Thursdays at 5:00 PM. The meal is prepared by
Insecurities in our Region
Helping Hands Food Pan- try at Restoration Church Plymouth, located at 319 Highland Street across from the Plymouth Burger King, of- fers a food pantry on Mondays between 10 AM and 2 PM. For more information call 603. 664.3494.
Nonperishable food items, monetary donations, and vol- unteers are always appreciated. Please contact the pantry directly for more information on how to help our neighbors in need.
For more information on the NH Food Bank, a Program of Catholic Charities, please visit
Kendra, her sister-in-law Mar- garet, and her friend Chris, and the table preparer is a fantastic community member- Sandra. The suggested donation is $5, with all proceeds going into the food pantry. The dinner has take-out and eat-in options. They are currently seeing about forty community members a week. If you are interested in the dinner, please call Kendra at 603.768.3424. The weekly din- ner will be on hiatus the Thurs- day before Thanksgiving and on Thanksgiving. They are cur- rently in need of donations of cereal and monetary donations for the hot weekly meal.
Community Closest
Food Pantry in Plymouth is
located at 5 Main Street Plym- outh. They are sourced by the NH Food Bank, Plymouth Han- nafords, community members,
civic groups, and local school groups. They are open to the public on Tuesdays and Thurs- days between 9 AM and 12 PM. They serve over 250 families in fifteen communities.
They offer a free hot meal on Thursday evenings at 5 PM in the basement of the Plymouth Congregational Church. Please bring Tupperware in case there are leftovers!
Plymouth Town Square- has a small food pantry for com- munity members the size of a lending library. They encourage community members to drop off food or to take food depending on the circumstance.

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