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Page 10 NEWFOUNDLAKELIFE.COM September 2022
HEBRON — Join Newfound Lake Region Association’s Water- shed Steward, Anthony Jaster, on a guided paddle from Grey Rocks Conservation Area on September 1, 2022, at 10 am.
During this 2-hour paddle, An- thony will be discussing various at- tributes of the watershed, and how those attributes tie into fish habitats and support fish populations. Par- ticipants will also get a better sense of which fish are present in the wa-
 Join NRLA for a Guided Paddle September 1st
 tershed. Participants should be prepared with water, appro- priate clothing, and gear for the weather. They will also need to provide their own kayak and PFD. To register, please go to events or call 603- 744-8689.
NLRA’s guided explorations offer new ways for the community
to connect with the Newfound Watershed by getting them outside
for different experiences. These programs also bring into focus the relationships and impacts that people have with and on the area, which can foster the conser- vation and preservation of the region’s natural, social, and economic resources.
NLRA works to protect the high-quality waters of Newfound Lake and its
watershed, maintaining a healthy and diverse ecosystem. Along with
educational programs like guided hikes and paddles, NLRA moni- tors water quality, conserves land, manages stormwater pollution, and monitors for invasive species. For more than 50 years, NLRA has been protecting Newfound Lake, and the results of that conservation are as clear as Newfound’s water. You can learn more about NLRA’s initiatives at 3rd Annual Hebron Yard Sale Day
Hebron Yard Sale Day Saturday, September 3rd
 HEBRON — If you enjoy the white elephant, auction, and book tents at the Hebron Fair, you won’t want to miss the Hebron Yard Sale Day on Saturday, Sept. 3, from 9 to 3.
Since this year’s fair did not in- clude some of these usual features, many of the items that would have been sold at those tents will be for sale outside the Hebron Church at
16 Church Lane. As an additional benefit, there will be other yard sales at various locations through- out the town that day.
Stop by the Hebron Common for great bargains on used fur- niture, household items, books, games, puzzles, toys, sporting goods, equipment, tools, acces- sories, antiques, and much more. The church will also again be fea-
turing the popular $5-a-bag tent. And the books, puzzles, DVDs, etc., are only $1 each unless oth- erwise marked. For more info, including a list of the additional participating locations, please visit The event is sponsored by the Union Congre- gational Church of Hebron. Free Estimates 603-417-1883
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