Page 3 - DEC2023
P. 3
December 2023
Page 3
Fresh air, fun, and breathtaking views are all part of the skiing experience in Central NH. On the left is an uphill view from the base lodge at Ragged Mountain Resort in Danbury, while the photo on the right looks down from the summit of Tenney Mountain Ski Resort in Plymouth.
own popular slope-side “Cardi- gan Cabins,” where people can ski in and ski out while never leaving the resort. The cabins are available with 1-3 bedrooms and a loft area, WiFi, and satel- lite television, along with many other amenities that make for a comfortable and true mountain experience.
At Ragged Mountain, those new to skiing or snowboarding can find a great introduction to the sport through the Bebe Wood Learn to Ski and Ride Program. Mondays and Thursdays, they offer free rentals, a one-hour les- son, and three free day tickets to introduce newcomers of all ages to the sport. Upon completion, they can also get a discount on future season passes to continue honing their skills.
The area does request that equipment and lodging rentals, as well as lessons and ski pass purchases, be made online in ad- vance to ensure they can accom- modate their guests, especially during peak holidays.
There are plenty of fun ac- tivities scheduled throughout the winter months. A variety of racing events will take place,
especially in mid-February and March, along with their crowd-pleasing Pond Skims, hol- iday activities, and the annual Food Drive on Martin Luther King Day, through which they
are able to give back to their local community.
Weather cooperating, Rag- ged Mountain Resort hopes to open on Dec. 1, but they encour- age skiers to monitor their Web
site, www.raggedmountainre-, for future updates. As the snow-making crew eagerly looks forward to getting to work, though, keep an eye on their live Web cam there as well to see
how the snow is piling up on the slopes, with or without Mother Nature’s cooperation!