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Mr. Lobban and his wife are both running for State repre- sentative overlapping in Bristol, Bridgewater, and Grafton 10 and 18 respectively. This pair originated from and still have deep roots in Rhode Island. Now they want to change NH into RI. I wonder why their tax bill is mailed to Rhode Island when they reside in NH.
Mr. Lobban stated recently that NH has an imbalance of businesses and relies too heav- ily on one sector, and this is the cause of NH's problems. I think that 20,000 illegal infiltrators in NH might have something to do with any housing problems NH is encountering. Four illegals in one house would take up 5,000 homes!
The Lobbans will increase property taxes, bring back the
November 2024
 interest and dividends tax, im- plement a state income tax, im- plement a sales tax, open borders and create sanctuary cities while ignoring NH veterans and low income families. The Lobbans will strip parental rights, and undermine the U.S. Constitu- tion 1st Amendment freedom of speech and 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms not to be infringed. The last time democrats held the House, Sen- ate and Governor's office, they voted to raise taxes 100 times and still left the NH budget a mess! Is this what you want for change from the Lobbans?
Mr. Lobban stated that I am backwards thinking. Really? I sponsored HB 1568 that brings in tens of thousands of dollars to towns for EMT non transport calls. I co-sponsored Veterans
Licensing Acceleration Program with representative Carroll Brown to allow veterans a head start by not taking duplicate classes to get their licensing. I also was a key architect in drafting a bill to reduce meaningless vehicle inspection requirements helping those with lower income to be able to use their vehicle to get to their job, doctor or to meet other important needs.
Mr. Lobban deceitfully stated that I get $3800 of Education Freedom Account (EFA) money for all nine of my children and that they are miseducated. One child received that money. By her receiving that money, a child in the public education system which is woefully underperform- ing, will receive approximately $20, 000 of the money my one child in the system would have
received. He is insulting parents who homeschool and take the EFA money or not and my child outperforms most 11th graders!
Mr. Lobban stated he had a military career, if so, I would like to see his DD214. All veterans that served have a DD214, and it is stealing valor to mislead about military service. The only thing he did was teach counter-ter- rorism at the War College as a private citizen. The Lobbans say they want to "save democracy". Does that narrative sound fa- miliar? What the Lobbans want to do is subvert our country by destroying our constitutional re- public. Now that's backwards thinking.
The Lobbans are privileged elites who along with their neigh- bor put 170 acres of land into a conservation trust which sounds noble, until you realize it was so that no other houses could be built there.
They have never served any local positions on any boards like select board, school board (remember they say they're ed- ucators), or budget committee. They are Rhode Island carpet baggers who will destroy New Hampshire. Most importantly in their minds though, is they're "bee keepers".
Let’s keep NH strong, vote re- publican, Save Our State (SOS), our constitutional republic, we were never a pure democracy as the Lobbans’ want.
Vote to re-elect John Sellers and elect Donald McFarlane for State Representatives on Novem- ber 5th and if you have any ques- tions, contact me at john.sellers@ or john.sellers. or see our websites https://johnsellersnh. com and https://mcfarlane4nh. com/ for more information.
Representative John Sellers
   Hard Working Compassionate Fiscally Prudent Community Minded Nurse for 42 Years Former School
“I would appreciate
your vote Nov. 5!”
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 Board Member
Committee to Elect Katie Hedberg • Deborah Reynolds, Treasurer • PO Box 157 • Plymouth, NH 03264

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