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 March 2024 NEWFOUNDLAKELIFE.COM Page 11 Community
 Museum of the White Mountains Spring & Summer
March 7, 12:00-1:30pm @ MWM and via Zoom
Ash Protection Collaboration Across Wabanakik (APCAW) – Panel Discussion with Ella McDonald, John Daigle, Emily Francis, and Tyler Everett; moderated by MWM Director Meghan Doherty
March 21, 6:00-7:30pm @ MWM and via Zoom Mountain Voices Lecture with Georgia Murray, Staff Scientist, Appalachian Mountain Club
March 27, 6:00-7:30pm @ MWM and via Zoom
NEH Spotlight on the Hu- manities Lecture with Margot Anne Kelly, author of Foodto- pia: Communities in Pursuit of Peace, Love & Homegrown Food
April 11, 6:00-7:30pm @ MWM and via Zoom Mountain Voices lecture with Sarah Garlick, Director of Con- servation, The Nature Conser-
Exhibitions and Events
April 12,
BFA Opening Reception @ MWM, 4:00-5:00pm
@ Silver Center, 5:00-6:00pm
April 13 – May 4, 2024 @ MWM and the Silver
ities Lecture with David Gold- stein at the National Park Service
April 18, 4:00-6:00pm @ MWM
BFA in Art and Design Capstone Exhibition Artist Talks
April 25, 4:00-6:00pm @
ate Professor of English, Director of American Studies
May 31, 4:00-6:00pm @ MWM Of Baskets & Borers Exhibition Opening Reception
June 1 – September 14, 2024 @ MWM
Of Baskets & Borers Exhibition This exhibition will explore the
past, present, and future of In- digenous basketry in the White Mountains region. As a museum about a place, our exhibitions seek to present stories about the people, plants, and animals of our region. In this case, we will be exploring the intersection between indigenous basketry, brown ash trees, and the Emer- ald Ash Borer.
    MARCH 29, 2024
APRIL 26, 2024
603 744 9111
1030 Mayhew Turnpike | Bridgewater, NH 03222
Center for the Arts
The annual BFA in Art and Design Capstone Exhibition features the work, passion, and educational journey of PSU stu- dents.
April 16, 4:00-5:30pm @ MWM and via Zoom
NEH Spotlight on the Human-
Silver Center for the Arts
BFA in Art and Design Capstone Exhibition Artist Talks
May 1, 4:30-6:00pm @ MWM and via Zoom
NEH Spotlight on the Human- ities with Michelle Neely, Associ-
  "A farm to table attitude infused with cuisines from around the world."
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50% OFF Lunch & Dinner with this coupon.
Dining room only, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday. Closed Sunday & Tuesday. Valid 3/4/24 - 3/28/24. Not to be combined with any other promotions or offers
Accepting reservations for our incredible Easter Sunday Brunch Buffet with the Easter Bunny from 9am-1pm!
57 Blair Rd., Campton Directly off Exit 27-I93 603-238-9115
           Published Monthly Mailed FREE to the Communities of Bristol, Alexandria, Hebron, Bridgewater and Plymouth Circulation: 10,000 copies
20 Lake St, Bristol, NH 03222
Dawna Shackley
Advertising Sales Manager
Lori Koller 508-934-9608 lakelifesales@
Brittany Amalfi
Contributing Writers
Donna Rhodes Michael Conley William Nieman
Newfound Lake Life assumes no financial liability for errors or
omissions in printed advertising and reserves the right to reject/edit advertising or editorial submissions. © Copyright 2020 Newfound Lakel Life

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