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Page 18 NEWFOUNDLAKELIFE.COM March 2024 Healthy Living
 NH Veterans Home Paid LNA Course Accepting Applications
 TILTON - The New Hamp- shire Veterans Home is now accepting applications for their Licensed Nursing Assistant Trainee (LNAT) course to build a career in the nursing field. Stu- dents are full-time State on NH employees eligible for benefits and earn $19.52 per hour while learning in this expense-paid course.
The 10-week LNA course begins the week of March 18th at the New Hampshire Veter- ans Home campus, 139 Winter Street in Tilton. Students who are LNATs who make a commit- ment to providing exceptional care at the NH Veterans Home will receive paid education in both a classroom setting and through clinical hours. Success- ful completion of the course prepares students for the Board
of Nursing license exam. After completing training and passing the exam to obtain their license, these trainees will receive a pro- motion to LNA and continue their rewarding commitment as full-time LNAs serving our State’s veterans.
Start a career now by apply- ing before February 22, 2024, to be hired in time to enter this course. Only eight full-time LNAT positions are available for this course. Apply at www. > ‘Careers’ > ‘NH State Government Job Opportunities’ > ‘Search for Jobs’. Enter “Til- ton” in the ‘Location’ box, se- lect ‘Search Jobs’ and apply for the “Licensed Nursing Assistant Trainee” position.
Additional information is available from the New Hamp- shire Veterans Home’s Human
Resources team at careers@ or by calling 603- 527-4448.
The New Hampshire Veter- ans Home (NHVH) is home to men and women veterans who have served their country and fellow New Hampshire citizens. NHVH was established in Tilton in 1890 as the Soldier’s Home for Civil War Veterans and is a recipient of the Quality of Life Award from the NH Department of Health & Human Services, the Business Inspiration Award from the Lakes Region Chamber of Commerce, and the Platinum Veteran-Friendly Business award
Steve, Air Force Vietnam Era Veteran, congratulates Jerikah, January 2024 graduate of the NH Veterans Home’s 5th LNA class.
from the Department of Military Affairs & Veterans Services. The mission of NHVH is to provide high quality, professional long- term care services to the Granite State’s elderly and disabled vet- erans with dignity, honor, and re-
spect. NHVH is the State’s only long-term care facility dedicated exclusively to veterans. For more information, call (603) 527-4400 or visit, shome
Thank You, Bristol, for Getting Vaccinated!
BRISTOL - Mid-State Health Center extends heartfelt gratitude to the Bristol com- munity for their overwhelming participation during the recent Bristol Office Vaccine Day in partnership with Genoa Phar- macy! The event, held on Feb- ruary 22nd, saw a remarkable turnout, highlighting the com- munity's commitment to public health and safety.
The dedicated team of healthcare providers at Mid- State wishes to extend their
gratitude to all those who took proactive steps to protect them- selves and their loved ones by getting vaccinated. Their commitment to personal and community well-being is com- mendable, and it underscores the collective effort to combat the COVID, RSV and flu sea- son viruses.
For those who may have missed Vaccine Day, Mid-State Health Center urges you to remain vigilant and prioritize your preventive care! Maintain-
ing up-to-date vaccinations and regular health check-ups are essential components of a pro- active approach to overall well- ness. If you’re looking for a new provider to help you with these goals, Mid-State Health Center is pleased to introduce the Bris- tol Office Family Medicine Pro- vider Team who is here to help care for the whole you!
• Jessica Croteau, PA-C
• Tina Winters, APRN
• Zack Dix, APRN
• Katie Gagan, MD
• Jenelle Guiod, MSN, APRN, FNP
These highly skilled and compassionate professionals are dedicated to addressing all your healthcare needs with personal- ized care and attention.
Located at 100 Robie Road, Bristol, NH 03222, the Bris- tol office of Mid-State Health Center welcomes all individuals in need of health care services. Same-day visits are available for your convenience, ensur- ing prompt access to quality care when you need it most. To schedule an appointment or learn more about the top-notch services offered, please contact Mid-State Health Center at 603-744-6200.
   Kids often believe that more kids are using drugs than is actually the case.
 Talk to your kids early and often about the harms of
using drugs and alcohol.
For tips on how to start the conversation, visit: CADYINC.ORG
         Integrated, Top-Notch Care
 Where your care comes together.
 Bringing you the care you need, when you need it. Mid-State's compassionate care team is ready to care for you.
Primary Medical Care Behavioral Health RISE Recovery Services Dental Services
Same Day Appointments X-ray and Ultrasound Dental Services
Physical Therapy
Plymouth 603-536-4000 Bristol 603-744-6200
101 Boulder Point Dr. 100 Robie Road

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