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By: BRittany amalfi
Embracing the spotlight and fueling their passion for creativ- ity, the Newfound Regional High School's Drama Department has been setting the stage with their remarkable performances. Recently, the spotlight shone on the department as they took the stage for Newfound's One Act Play Competition, unleashing their artistic flair. Striking a bal- ance between passion and pre- cision, these students have been honing their skills and delivering compelling performances. From rehearsed lines to imaginative set designs, these students are leaving a lasting impression. The vibrant talent that is seeping out of NRHS’s Drama Department is unmatched.
The One Act Play Competi- tion was held on February 9th, and the students of the Drama Department came to deliver. Each class, from the Freshmen
March 2024
 Curtain Call Chronicles:
NRHS Drama Department Spotlight
to the Seniors, each presented a show. The educators got together to pick the “best play,” and the winner will be able to move on to the NH Educational
Theatre Guild’s re- gionals. The regionals will be on March 16th, and two shows from that competition will get picked to move on to the state competi- tion.
Everyone who par-
ticipated in the The
One Act Play Com-
petition went to great
heights to deliver exceptional perfor-
mances, and it showed
in the eyes of all the spectators. The All-
Star cast consisted of Hannah Upperman, Kade Collins, Ame- lia Corliss, Vivian Littlefield, Joey Sargent, and Toby Eckert. The winners of Best Outstanding
Performance were Izzi Braley and Alex Fleming, and the Best Director went to Ms. Hannah Ferrell. And, of course, the Best
petition, everyone has even more to look forward to with the an- ticipation of the Spring Musical. Newfound’s Spring Musical will
be the dynamic show, “Freaky Friday,” and the Drama Depart- ment is ready to carry out yet another excep- tional performance. Nancy Barry will direct the show, and the musi- cal direction will be by Ms. Hannah Ferrell. Stephanie Wiencek, the head of the Drama Department, was ex- cited about having Barry direct the up- coming show. Barry has a vast background in theatre and is best
known for being the Founder and Artistic Director at the Interlakes Summer Theatre in Meredith. Wiencek also stated, “I’m really excited for this show. I think it’s going to be a good one.”
As The One Act Play Compe- tition came to a close, the New- found Regional High School's Drama Department showed the power of dedication, talent, and collaborative spirit. From the Freshmen to the Seniors, each class contributed to the vibrant myriad of performances, leaving a mark on the audience. The ex- ceptional talents of the All-Star cast, the noteworthy recogni- tions, and the selection of "At the Bottom of Lake Missoula" as the Best Play depict the department's commitment to excellence. Look- ing ahead, the anticipation for the Spring Musical, "Freaky Fri- day," directed by Nancy Barry, amplifies the excitement within the Drama Department. With dedicated spirit and an enthusias- tic team at the helm, the NRHS Drama Department continues to elevate the stage, promising more exceptional performances in the chapters to come.
 Play winner was The Class of 2024 presentation of At the Bot- tom of Lake Missoula.
With all of the excitement from The One Act Play Com-
   THE Traveler’s
                Residential, Commercial & Industrial Generator Installation
Mark Fralick Master Electrian

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