Page 4 - DEC2022
P. 4
By BRittany amalfi
Your Kids Are Waiting For Their Elves!
It’s officially that time of year when we can say, “Tis’ the season!” Thanksgiving is over, and the rest of the winter holidays are fast ap- proaching, which means family traditions are busting out of the woodwork. Of course, for many, holiday traditions with families look vastly different. Still, over the past years, a particular fun tradi- tion has really made its way around various homes—the infamous Elf on the Shelf!
Families with little ones in their homes are probably extremely fa- miliar with the Elf on the Shelf. Back in 2005, the Elf on the Shelf came to light when Carol Aeber- sold and her daughter, Chanda Bell, self-published a book titled The Elf on the Shelf: A Christmas Tradition. The adorable children’s book also came with a package with none other than the Scout Elf himself. Chanda Bell said the goal of this tradition was a “game of hide-and-seek,” and the rest was history.
Since the Elf on the Shelf has been around since 2005 and be- came even more prominent in 2020, parents and caregivers might be pulling out their hair trying to think of some fun and creative ways to keep the Elf on the Shelf
magic alive.
I’m sure that we’ve all pulled the
“hiding the elf behind the books” or “having him sit on the mantle,” and now we’re just thinking to our- selves, “where could we possibly put this elf now?” Well, my friends, get those notepads ready because I have compiled a list of ideas on where to put your wily little elf.
The washing machine.
What little elf doesn’t love a good twisty roller coaster ride? Bonus points if you give him some friends and place other dolls next to him to come along for the ride.
Elf on the Shelf at school.
If your child isn’t a fan of going to school in the morning, try to set up a little classroom display of your lit- tle elf learning at school. For exam- ple, find a doll chair or prop him up against some books and give him a notepad and a pencil showing your little one that even elves go to school!
A Christmas tree. What elf doesn’t love hanging around on the Christmas tree? Perhaps prop him up there on the day of decorating so your kiddo can see he came to help!
A tea party. Grab some of your kiddos’ other little friends and set them up to have a lovely tea party in the kitchen! I’m sure your
elf would love to sip on some tea with Barbie, Woody, or Doc Mc- stuffins.
Elf on the Shelf in space.
Now, if you really want to get cre- ative, create a little tin foil suit for your elf and tie a string around
his waist, trying the other end to a ceiling fan. There are bonus points if you can set up some pretty stars or planets to show that elves love exploring space!
Elf on the Shelf in quaran- tine. Getting sick in the winter is inevitable, especially for kids. So, if you find your kiddo is feeling under the weather at some point leading up to the holidays, set up a sick sta- tion for your elf, so they don’t have
to brave the illness alone.
In the bath. Fill up your bath-
room sink with some cotton balls, and let your elf take a relaxing bub- ble bath!
Taking a selfie. We live in a technological era. There’s no doubt your elf would steal your cell phone to snap a quick holiday selfie! Don’t forget to use the timer mode on this one.
Serving breakfast. Have your elf help whip up some yummy pancakes with you one morning to show your kiddos how hard they worked to make some breakfast!
Stuck in the blinds. Those wily little elves can be mischievous. Getting stuck in the blinds wouldn’t be too far-fetched!
Camping. Prop up a book to make a little tent, make a cozy lit- tle bed for your elf, and show your kiddo that elves also love camping!
A whole 25 days of different Elf on the Shelf ideas can be tricky to come up with, so hopefully, you can add these to your list of ideas! There’s nothing better than seeing the light in your child’s eyes as they take in the magic of the holidays that you provide for them. That is truly what makes this time of year worthwhile despite all the chaotic craziness of it all. Just remember to tell your kiddos never to touch that silly elf, or they will lose all their magic, but those elves are excellent listeners, so your kiddos can share all of their magical secrets with them!
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