Page 11 - APR2023
P. 11

 Pasquaney Garden Club Welcomes Monarchs and New Members
 Pasquaney Garden Club is looking forward to greeting members, new friends and vis- itors at the first meeting of the season on Tuesday, April 18th from 10-12 at Minot-Sleeper Library in Bristol. Information about the seasons’ programs and other club information will be distributed to attendees.
The club’s regular meetings are held from April to Decem- ber once a month, usually on the third Tuesday. An Interesting va- riety of programs, field trips and activities are planned for the up- coming season. In addition, the club will continue to maintain garden areas and planters in the Newfound area, participate in community activities and support local organizations. Area resi- dents and visitors are encouraged to attend meetings and activities. For those interested in joining the club, dues are $15 and new mem- bers may join at any time. Dues assist with the cost of programs and monthly notices to members regarding upcoming events.
The April program will be Monarchs and Milkweed, a fas- cinating presentation by Mirka Zapletal about Monarch butter- flies and the challenges to their survival. Monarch butterflies visit New Hampshire every sum- mer, continuing an amazing mi- gration that spans the continent, but their recent listing as an en- dangered species is worrying.
As a species that migrates, they are vulnerable to habitat change in many locations including New Hampshire. Milkweed plants are a vital part of the monarch's life cycle, and there are many things local gardeners can do to con- tribute to monarch survival and the resilience of local ecosystems.
Ms Zapletal is the Manager of Education & Outreach for the Newfound Lake Region As- sociation. Mirka is a native of New Hampshire and began her career as a high school social studies teacher in New Hamp- shire and Vermont with a Master of Education from Harvard. As her career evolved she also con- tinued to develop her education with Master of Science in Envi- ronmental Studies from Antioch
University New England and a PhD in Environmental and Evo- lutionary Biology. She believes that personal experience with science and research is crucial for both helping people access
science and supporting conser- vation. Depending on the season, Mirka is following animal tracks, adding to her bird list, and visit- ing agricultural fairs, usually with her husband and two children in
This promises to be an inter-
esting and informative program and all are welcome. Pasquaney Garden Club is a 501(c)3 non- profit organizatio
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