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states. Over the past few years, as many as 45 states have been rep- resented in the race, along with runners from up to 10 countries.
“It’s really one of the most beautiful runs I’ve done,” com- mented one annual participant a few years ago. “Best of all, the people are so friendly, too. I love this race!”
There is also a half-marathon (13.1 miles) for those still build- ing up to distance running, while others may choose to sign up for the popular 10K race, which is 6.2 miles. And because it’s all about raising money for chil- dren’s programs, the kids aren’t left out either. Throughout the summer, they can sign on to run as often as possible and log their distance each time. When they are just one mile short of a 26.2- mile marathon distance, they are then invited to run that final mile with other boys and girls on N.H. Marathon Day and receive a medal for their outstanding ef- forts.
For most adults, it is a serious challenge, which they train for regularly. A few go even further,
August 2021
testing their strength and endur- ance by wheeling themselves in specialized racing wheelchairs, running barefoot, or wearing their full military gear while car- rying the United States flag along the route. Others take part for the sheer adventure of it all, wearing things such as the Ketchup Bot- tle costume seen a few years ago or other fun outfits. Face paint- ing, funny tee shirts, and more can also be seen that day by the crowds lining the roads to cheer them on.
This year’s marathon marks the return to the race after COVID-19 put a damper on the actual run in 2020. Instead, the committee hopes it will be an extra-special event, raising even more funding for their mission to support local youth organiza- tions. O’Leary said his company had been a major sponsor of the event for as long as he can remember and is proud to do so once again this year.“We’re still looking for more ways we can help with the marathon,” he assured committee members during the check presentation. To sign up or learn more about the race, check out www.nhmar-
Old Home Day – Bridgewater Saturday, August 21, 2021
BRIDGEWATER, NH — The 123rd Annual Bridgewater Old Home Day Observance will be held on August 21, 2021, at the Bridgewater Old Town House on Bridgewater Hill Road.
History and Continuance of Old Home Day:
In 1899, Governor Rollins included in a speech to the Peo- ple of New Hampshire:
“...inviting every person who ever resided in New Hampshire and the descendants of former residents, to return and visit the scenes of their youth and renew acquaintance with our people... When you think of the old home, you bring back the tenderest memories possessed by man–true love, perfect faith, holy reverence, high ambition - “the long, long thoughts of youth.”
With this speech, the annual Old Home Day was established,
and Bridgewater, NH, has con- tinued this tradition EVERY YEAR since (even last year with a modified and COVID compli- ant event).
All Are Welcome:
10:00 am coffee and set-up.
10:30 am Flag Raising by the local Boy Scouts.
10:40 am Craft sales and baked good sale.
11:00 am Children’s Games.
12:00 (noon) Group photo- graph in front of the Old Town House followed by the Tradi- tional Baked Beans and all the fixins’ (compliments of the Old Home Day Association)
1:30 pm Squam Science Cen- ter Program (Hawks and Owls).
7:30 pm Square Dance at the Old Town Hall