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Open AirCommunity Etiquette Essentials for Lake Lovers
Some aspects of boating eti- quette are built into New Hamp- shire boating laws. Review them here.
Before you go:
Clean, drain, and dry. Make sure your boat and trailer are clean, drained, and dry to avoid spreading invasive aquatic spe- cies from one water body to an- other.
At the ramp:
Be ready to launch. Have your gear and supplies loaded in your boat before it is your turn to launch so that people in line behind you don’t have to wait.
On the water:
Keep your distance. Law requires boats to maintain 150 feet from other boats and recre- ators, the shoreline, wildlife, and any other objects. That’s a l-o- n-g stretch (about half a football field)! Try pacing it out to see for yourself. For an etiquette A+, keep a distance of 200 feet.
Sound travels far over water, and not everyone may enjoy hearing
Published Monthly Mailed FREE to the Communities of Bristol, Alexandria, Hebron, Bridgewater and Plymouth Circulation: 10,000 copies
20 Lake St, Bristol, NH 03222
Dawna Shackley lakelife@
603-217-0050 lakelifesales@
Brittany Amalfi
Contributing Writers
Nancy Marchand Donna Rhodes Leslie Sanderson
Newfound Lake Life assumes no financial liability for errors or
omissions in printed advertising and reserves the right to reject/edit advertising or editorial submissions.
© Copyright 2020 Newfound Lakel Life
your 80s hits at full blast.
Pack it in, pack it out. Trash
that ends up overboard pollutes our lake, can lower water quality, and even entangle or threaten wildlife. If you take it out with you, take it back in!
Respect private land. Be- sides minimizing your wake and noise and keeping the proper dis- tance, do not trespass on private land. Of particular note on New- found is the Charles Bean Sanc- tuary at the north end of the lake, a protected wildlife sanctu- ary that is especially vulnerable to human impacts.
Human waste, including pee, threatens the health of New- found Lake and the people that enjoy it. If you need to go, make a stop at one of these public bathrooms:
• Wellington Boat Launch
• Grey Rocks Conservation Area (nonmotorized boats only)
• Avery Crouse Town Beach (next to The Big Catch)
Newfound is blessed with beautiful beaches. Let’s keep them that way!
Don’t feed the ducks. Not only do food items that decom- pose in the water pollute the lake, but attracting ducks to beaches means more duck poop, which can carry harmful bacteria that makes beaches unsafe for swim- ming.
Newfound’s public beaches do not have trash receptacles. Come prepared with a bag for your trash and take it home with you to avoid litter and pollution.
Follow the rules. Fishing, smoking, loud music, pets, fires... Rules can differ from beach to beach. Follow the rules on posted signs, check online before you go, or ask somebody!
Farmers Market
Keep the volume down.
We do special orders
and Fall Bulb orders
Specializing in Unique Garden Plants, Flowers, Hanging Baskets, and Cut Flowers Locally Grown and Produced with Love
Saturdays and Sundays 9-5pm, also by appt.
190 Lake St., Bristol, NH 03222
603-406-9638 •
Cardigan Mountain SoapWorks
Gentle Handmade Soap Products Bugs Away • Ticks Away • Herbal Sprays
464 Mt. Cardigan Rd, Alexandria Hours: Wednesday-Sunday 11am-4pm
When you have to go...
Pack it in, pack it out.
Saturday Mornings In
New Hampton at the
Historic Meetinghouse
We gather at the New Hamp- ton Historical Townhouse in New Hampshire to share local goods with health in mind. Spots are $20 per Saturday. Ask about reserving for the season at a dis- count! Community projects and health related demonstrations are
welcome, must RSVP! 603-254- 5858. Local eggs, baked goods, locally grown veggies, chicken, turkey, fruit, jams, cheeses, raw milk, yogurt, crafts, coffee and live music. Then we have cutting boards, locally made yarn, quilts, jewelry, wooden puzzles, and many gift items, all made in NH. For more information, visit Ope-
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