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Page 30 NEWFOUNDLAKELIFE.COM September 2024
Real Estate
It Takes More Than Skill to be a “Good Driver” –
 By Jim KiNg NeWfouND iNsuRaNce
I’m not sure exactly when it happened, whether it was during Covid or just after Covid, but when it comes to driving on the roads, people seem to have lost any sense of personal ac- countability or responsibility or for that matter, courtesy towards others.
Just recently I have been in-
volved with or observed what can only be called stunningly reckless conduct on the roads. It is unlike anything I ever recall before Covid. It is at the very least reckless disregard for any legal rules let alone personal safety or the safety of others.
The first incident was a four way stop in a suburban area. I stopped, looked both ways and noticed a car approaching to my left. Presuming they would stop, after all they did have a very prominent and visible stop sign, I took my foot off the brake and began to depress the accelera- tor. Something triggered me to stop abruptly as I watched the oncoming car. On some level I must have noticed that the
other car was not slowing as I would have expected. Mere sec- onds later the car went straight through the intersection at what I estimate to be 30 MPH. They didn’t stop, they didn’t even slow down. Had I proceeded I would have been T-boned in the driver’s door. Who knows how tragic the outcome would have been.
The second incident was one I observed. I was at a large busy intersection, same subur- ban setting, light signals in all directions for traffic control and pedestrian walk lights. Traffic in front of me was stopped at a red light, allowing traffic in the other direction to proceed. Two cars ahead of me and two cars
from the front of the line sat what appeared to be a 20 some- thing man on some version of an electric bike. Apparently not believing the laws of the road applied to him, he proceeded to ride to the left of the two cars in front of him through the red light and on his way.
The third incident occurred when I was once again stopped at an intersection waiting at a red light. The light turned green and I started to proceed through the intersection. Half way through the intersection while I am still accelerating and mindful of traffic behind me, two pedestrians at the far side of the intersection, a couple from what I could discern, decide to step off the curb and cross the street in front of me. The “walk light” or in this case the “don’t walk light” facing them is clearly red indicating its not safe to walk and by the way – it’s not your turn. With careless disregard they continue to saunter across the street, albeit in a crosswalk but also in the direct line of a 3500 lb vehicle that could have killed them had it hit them.
All of these incidents could have had a tragic outcome. I could have been hit by the car running the stop sign, the young man on the electric bike could have been hit by a car taking a left turn or perhaps another car proceeding through the inter- section on a green light. In the third case the couple choosing to cross the street against the walk light could have been seri- ously injured or worse.
In all three cases there was reckless behavior on an individ- ual basis and careless disregard for others. It takes more than being a good driver, it takes a fair amount of luck. You just can’t depend on luck. In this environment we all need to be much more diligent when driv- ing and much more aware of the environment around us.
As to the legal concept of “Last Clear Chance”, had the person on the bike been hit, but the driver been judged to have the “last clear chance” to avoid the collision, the driver would have been deemed to have been at fault. In the case of the pedestrians crossing the street in front of me, had I hit them and been judged to have had the “last clear chance of avoidance” I would have been deemed at fault. Knowing there is the concept of “Last Clear Chance” should prompt you to put any distractions aside when you drive. My disclaimer about the above is that I’m not an at- torney so if you have questions about the concept of “Last Clear Chance” please consult and attorney.
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It Takes Some Luck Too and
The Legal Concept of “Last Clear Chance”
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