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January 2024
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 BRISTOL – This year, the Intergalactic Builders, Bristol El- ementary School's robotics team, participated in the 2023-2024 MASTERPIECESM challenge, FIRST® LEGO® League Challenge. Most of the team was first-time participants, including the coaches. The team had to design a robot that would be versa- tile enough to complete as many of the game board challenges as possible in a two-minute and 30-second time limit to get as many points as they could. After
that came the programming of the robot, along with testing and reprogramming to get everything just right. While part of the team worked on that, another part of the team worked on their presentation. They had to agree on a problem and come up with a solution. Their problem: sledding safety. They researched and found out that head injuries were amongst the highest injuriesreceivedwhilesled- ding. Their solution: a hel- met that comes equipped with a 2-way radio and motion sensor that notifies parents if their child doesn’t move for a certain period of time. They created presenta- tion boards and speeches to present to the judges at the tournament. On November 18th, the team traveled to Kingswood High School, where they competed in their first tournament.
FIRST® LEGO® League Challenge is comprised of teams made of fourth through eighth graders from around the state. Bristol El- ementary School’s team was one of the youngest teams at the tournament at King- swood, being all fifth grad- ers. Despite that challenge, they came in 11th out of 16 teams that day. Just one spot shy of qualifying for the state championship tournament.
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Intergalactic Builders

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