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XII. References and Additional Resources
Mightier than the Sword: The Journal as a Path for Men’s Self-Discovery, by Kathleen Adams, 1994. Journal writing for men, with specific exercises that work well. The book is out of print, but is available used at www.culturechangenow/#resources.
Practicing the Sacred Art of Listening, by Kay Lindahl, Skylight Paths Publishing 2003. Find yourself inspired to discover how different your conversations will be when you stop just talking and start really listening. (“If these guidelines were followed, we would live in a transformed world.”–Episcopal Life)
Reminiscence with Elderly People, by Andrew Norris, Winslow & Bicester 1986. Short and sweet with good ideas for reminiscing in groups, and why we should.
Telling the Stories of Life through Guided Autobiography Groups, by James E. Birren & Kathryn N. Cochran, The John Hopkins University Press 2001. The authors show how to organize, record and share life experiences through a proven and effective technique. The appendices provide exercises and handouts and suggested adaptations for specific groups.
The Healing Art of Storytelling: A Sacred Journey of Personal Discovery, by Richard Stone, iUniverse 2004. A step-by-step guide for creating a storytelling tradition as a tool of communicating, learning and healing. Mr. Stone also is founder of the StoryWork Institute, PO Box 941551, Maitland, FL 32794-1551, which provides workshops and other resources on storytelling.
Turning Memories into Memoirs: A Handbook for Writing Lifestories, by Denis Ledoux, Soleil Press 1993. A guide to writing an autobiography, taking you from remembering to writing to publishing. From a participant in one of Ledoux’s workshops: “My life might seem ordinary to others, but it wasn’t to me. I made a good life for myself.”
What’s Worth Knowing, by Wendy Lustbader, Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin Books 2001. Elders share inspirational insights into lessons they have learned during a lifetime.
Porch Swing SeriesTM Culture Change Workbooks ©Action Pact, Inc.2005-2006 p.48

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