Page 3 - Languages Victoria December 2019
P. 3
Languages Victoria
Languages in Victoria
MLTAV 2019 Annual General Meeting President’s Report
by Gabriella Bertolissi
In delivering the 2019 President’s report, I am amazed to think I am now in my final year as President. Time certainly flies! After this AGM, I move into the role of Immediate Past-President for 2020 and hand over the Presidency reins to Andrew Morabito for the next three years. As Immediate Past- President, I look forward to supporting Andrew as President, and to continuing as part of the Executive team.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank MLTAV Executive and Committee members 2017, 2018 and 2019 for their contribution and support to me as President. Thank you also to past Presidents, in particular to you, Andrew Ferguson who after a long 11-year stint as President handed over the reins of a well-established organisation to me in 2016. I thank you Andrew [Ferguson] saw the need to review our Constitution to ensure future Presidents would rotate more frequently, I can’t possibly think why...
My goals in my final year as President continued to focus on:
•Maintaining the MLTAV as the main peak spokes body for Languages in Victoria and continuing advocacy work;
•Strengthening relationships with Single Language Associations and Community Languages;
•Supporting the newly invigorated Council of Professional Teacher Associations of Victoria;
•Providing high level service to our members;
•Developing processes and documentation for Project management and to ensure smooth succession planning.
This year our continuing Strategic Partnership collaboration with the Department of Education has seen the continuation of many of our existing long-term projects such as the Bilingual Schools Network and Mentoring Projects. The Association has also welcomed continuing support for Graduate/returnee teachers PL and other professional learning activities. New opportunities for Professional learning arose this year and were favourably received by our membership.
Volume 23 Number 1 Page 3