Page 49 - Languages Victoria December 2019
P. 49

 Languages Victoria
Victorian School of Languages
The VSL provides out-of-school-hours programs for students from any Victorian school, including government and non-government schools, providing languages learning opportunities for students who cannot access the language of their choice in their mainstream school. VSL classes are offered in over 40 centres in both metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas, as well as through distance education. In total, 18,869 students from Foundation to Year 12 were enrolled at the VSL in 2018, 10,413 at the primary level and 8,456 at the secondary level.
Figure 4 - below: VSL enrolments, 2012-18 (DET, 2019, p. 54)
DET. (2019). Languages provision in Victorian government schools, 2018. Retrieved from: hRps:// eduState-languages-provision-report-2018.pdf
      Volume 23 Number 1
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