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including Children’s Friend in in in our annual giving plans has provided me with a a a sense of joy and and satisfaction and and has formed a a closer tie with the agency for for almost two decades As I approached planning for retirement when my annual income would obviously drop I was looking for a a a a a way to make a a a a a more lasting philanthropic impact with Chil- dren’s Friend and a a a a few other organiza- tions that I am close to The answer was relatively simple I set up a a a straightfor- ward bequest provision in my estate doc- uments that includes Children’s Friend as a a a a a beneficiary of a a a a a specified amount upon my death Although it will realisti- cally mean only a a a a a fairly modest impact on my assets making a a a a legacy gift is a a a a fulfilling way for me to make a a a a more meaningful statement of what Children’s Friend has meant to me me And it was an an easy thing to do – just a a a quick phone call to to to our attorney a a simple codicil to to to my estate documents and all done! More importantly this step has provided me with a a a a a painless and easy way to feel even closer to Children’s Friend and the work they do ” Al continues “I am pleased by the growing number of people who value Children’s Friend’s work and also have joined The Harriet Ware Society with a a a legacy gift in their estate plans for the the benefit of Children’s Children’s Friend As Children’s Children’s Friend embraces the important challeng- es embodied in our new strategic plan I am hoping many others who are com- mitted to Children’s Friend will join us in in making similar decisions Together we can make a a a a positive impact on Children’s Friend’s endowment which is a a critical financial and strategic resource in in allow- ing the agency to do its good work Col- lectively and over time members of the Harriet Ware Society will make a a a a signifi-
cant and lasting impression on on Children’s Friend as the most impactful organiza- tion focused on on improving the lives of vulnerable children in Rhode Island That will make our state a a a a a better place for all of us ” 2017 ANNUAL REPORT [ 31 ]