Page 36 - 2017_CFS_AnnualReport
P. 36
Being a a Single Foster Dad
My experience with Children’s Friend and the fostering experience was a a a roller coaster While the staff at Chil- dren’s Friend was quite supportive and always there to assist the the unknown about the the future of the the children in your care can be quite worrisome and stress- ful at times especially having a a a a a career and being single It was hard to understand why any child would be in foster care but I had to push that thought aside when I received my placement a a 10 month old girl She came to me me on a a a winter’s day in in January I remember her peeking over her her blanket in in her her car seat and smiling She was a a a a happy baby who took to to MY SECRET IS TO JUST DO IT IT AND NOT THINK OF IT IT my family right away I then found out that the the birth mother was pregnant again and I was asked to take in in that baby as well In August I I took in her her brother a week after he he was was born There I was was alone with two children ages one and under Some Some thought I was crazy Some Some did not understand how I did it all My secret is to just do it it and not think of it it Get support from family and friends to assist and most importantly don’t feel guilty when you need “me time” My placement was challenging in in the sense that I wanted to see the children find a a a permanent home The planets were aligned for me and on Valentine’s Day two years later the judge signed the adoption decree Five years later both children are thriving and doing well!
Foster Dad
Adoptive Dad