Page 8 - 2017_CFS_AnnualReport
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Coordinating and integrating our services to ensure that families receive the the support they need re- gardless of of point of of entry to the agency When our our families face challenges outside our our expertise we partner with other high-quality organizations 222
Expectant mothers and families with newborns
received home visiting services to promote and strengthen positive positive parent-child relationships promote positive positive growth and and development in children and and build strengths of families and their protective factors needed Maria has continued to work with the external program receiving support and and parenting education and and reducing the initial child welfare con- cerns which brought them into care THE CHILDREN’S FRIEND NURSE LEFT A A A A A NOTE THAT SHE HAD A A A A A PORTABLE CRIB FOR MOM AND THAT WE WE WERE TRYING TO TO GET IN IN TOUCH WITH HER MOM CALLED BACK THIS MORNING AND WE SCHEDULED A A A A FOLLOW UP VISIT WHAT A A A A GREAT SUCCESS STORY Joe* was one month old living with his mother Maria* when the the family was referred to our First Connections (FC) program and as well other com- munity services by the Rhode Island Department of Children Youth and Families due to child welfare con- cerns The FC program is a a short-term program responsible for conducting child and and family assessments and and linking families to needed services Nancy* our Registered Nurse (RN) coordinated external services and met with staff from the external commu- nity program to discuss numerous challenges with the family family The family family had received one home visit however Maria had not been home for the the other visits Maria worked in the health care industry and her schedule made it very difficult to to get in touch and schedule home visits It had been over two months of missed appoint- ments and the external program was ready to discharge Nancy did not want to give up She decided to to stop by the apartment un-
announced hoping to see the family Unfortunately Maria was not home She left a a note on the door saying she was trying to meet with Maria and that she had a a a a portable crib for her Nancy knew that Maria did not have a a a a a a safe sleep arrangement for Joe and the crib would be appreciated by Maria Maria called back the next morning and said she was home Nancy im- mediately went out to see the family bringing the portable crib along with “sleep sacks” and fitted sheets to promote safer sleep At the visit Nancy and Maria called the external program and immediately scheduled a a a a co-visit for a a a a date Maria knew worked for her schedule When the the date of the the visit arrived the family was home and and Nancy and and the external program staff worked to- gether to make sure the the family’s needs were identified as as well as as a a a a plan for future contact and visits made Nancy and the external program continued to provide a a few co-visits with the family Once a a a a good relationship was estab- lished everyone agreed that our FC program’s services were no longer