Page 29 - ASPIRE JANUARY 2023 Volume 8 / Issue 1
P. 29

                              REPRODUCTIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY SIG (includes PCOS)
                                                             Despite consensus diagnostic criteria and treatment, some matters remain unresolved
By Drs Madhuri Patil and Lan N Vuong
On behalf of ASPIRE, we invite members to join the Special Interest Group (SIG) for Reproductive Endocrinology including PCOS. The aim of this SIG is to develop educational activities, booklets, regional meetings, master classes and webinars with internationally renowned experts in the field.
A webinar entitled Revisiting the Luteal Phase will be presented on Tuesday, 21 February 2023 from 5.00pm to 6.50pm GMT+8. All are invited to join.
We are also planning a pre-Congress workshop in Adelaide in September. It will include recent updates in reproductive endocrinology and PCOS and discussion on revised international guidelines to be published early next year.
Despite the widespread use of consensus diagnostic criteria and treatment, there are some unresolved controversies.
Specifically, difficulty arises in:
• methods of assessment and types of androgens to be measured to detect biochemical hyperandrogenism;
• setting a cut-off value for the diagnosis of clinical hyperandrogenism;
• setting an ultrasound threshold of antral follicle count to diagnose polycystic ovaries; and
• diagnosing this condition in adolescence where there is no clear definition for ‘irregular cycles’.
The mainstay of PCOS treatment today is lifestyle modification and medications, each of which are tailored on a case-by-case basis.
The published studies have not yet arrived at a consensus on the most suitable therapy for each individual case and many of the drugs used are still off-label.
Deliberations on the new international guidelines on PCOS at the pre-Congress workshop will help us to resolve these controversies. This will be the first face- to-face meeting since the COVID-19 outbreak and we expect your full participation.
Lan N Vuong (Vietnam)
   Madhuri Patil (India)
By critically reviewing the existing literature and emerging concepts, speakers in the webinar and pre- Congress course will provide guidance for ART practitioners, obstetrics and gynaecology clinicians and clinical scientists.
Until then, all suggestions will be welcomed by email at and/or lanvuong@ump.
Meanwhile, we look forward to your active involvement in activities of the SIG by participating in scientific endeavours and exchanging ideas. We will also work to promote research in the countries that make up the ASPIRE region.

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