Page 22 - Albanian Yellow Pages 2023 Edition
P. 22

  • Illyrian Business Organization – a Federation of Albanian American busi- nesses that will focus on collaboration between companies, negotiating better pricing and more attractive terms for products and services and to promote the advancement of businesses and industries.
• Common Sense Political Club – The club’s role is to support elected officials and candidates seeking office that embrace our community and that will champion our causes. The club will be A-political allowing for local, state and federal candidates across the political spectrum to meet with our community and collectively use our voice to shape policy, legislation and budget.
• Albanian American Calendar – With a growing community it is vital to es- tablish a universal calendar that will allow posting of activities, events and in- formation that will keep our community connected and informed.
The following pages offer glimpses and updates on some initiatives and events that we have been working on throughout the year.
The time to act is now, get involved, and make a difference for yourself, our community, our children and our future!
“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together” – African proverb.
Sincerely, Mark Gjonaj
“kur t’i bashkojmë kokat i bashkojmë tokat”
(when we unite our thoughts we will unite our lands)
   Paid for by Friends of Mark Gjonaj

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