Page 59 - Albanian Yellow Pages 2023 Edition
P. 59

A: the courts • judicial
14. What stops one branch of government from becoming too powerful?
• checks and balances
• separation of powers
15. Who is in charge of the executive branch?
• the President
16. Who makes federal laws?
• Congress
• Senate and House (of Representatives) • (U.S. or national) legislature
17. What are the two parts of the U.S. Congress?*
• the Senate and House (of Representatives)
18. How many U.S. Senators are there?
• one hundred (100)
19. We elect a U.S. Senator for how many years?
• six (6)
20. Who is one of your state's U.S. Senators?*
• Answers will vary. [For District of Columbia residents and resi- dents of U.S. territories, the answer is that D.C. (or the territory where the applicant lives) has no U.S. Senators.]
* If you are 65 years old or older and have been a legal perma- nent resident of the United States for 20 or more years, you may study just the questions that have been marked with an asterisk.
21. The House of Representatives has how many voting members?
• four hundred thirty-five (435)
22. We elect a U.S. Representative for how many years?
• two (2)
23. Name your U.S. Representative.
• Answers will vary. [Residents of territories with nonvoting Del- egates or resident Commissioners may provide the name of that Delegate or Commissioner. Also acceptable is any state- ment that the territory has no (voting) Representatives in Con- gress.]
24. Who does a U.S. Senator represent?
• all people of the state
25. Why do some states have more Representatives than other states?
• Gjyqesori
14. Çfare e parandalon mbi fuqishmerine e nje dege ose pjese te qeverise?
• Barazpesha
• Ndarja e fuqive
15. Kush e drejton degen ekzekutive?
• Presidenti
16. Kush i ben ligjet federale?
• Kongresi
• Senati dhe Dhoma e Perfaqesuesve
• Legjistatura amerikane ose kombetare
17. Cilat jane dy pjeset e Kongresit Amerikan?
• Senati dhe Dhoma e Perfaqesuesve
18. Sa eshte numri i Senatoreve Amerikan?
• 100
19. Per sa vjet zgjidhet nje Senator Amerikan?
• 6 vjet
20. Kush e shte Senatori i shtetit tuaj?
• Ne varesi te shtetit ku jetoni, permendi Senatorin tuaj
* Nëse jeni 65 vjeç ose më i vjetër dhe keni qenë legalisht banor i përhershëm i Shteteve të Bashkuara për më shumë se 20 vjet, ju mund t‘i mësoni vetëm pyetjet të shenjën *.
21.Sa anetare votues ka Dhoma e Perfaqesuesve?
• 435
22. Per sa vjet zgjidhen Kongresmenet?
• 2
23. Permendni Kongresmenin tuaj.
• Pergjigja do te varet nga zona ku jetoni
24. Ke prefaqeson nje Senator Amerikan?
• Te gjithe popullin e shtetit qe perfaqeson
25. Pse disa shtete kane me shume perfaqesues se disa shtete te tjera?

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