Page 62 - Albanian Yellow Pages 2023 Edition
P. 62

48. There are four amendments to the Constitution about who can vote. Describe one of them.
• Citizens eighteen (18) and older (can vote).
• You don't have to pay (a poll tax) to vote.
• Any citizen can vote. (Women and men can vote.) • A male citizen of any race (can vote).
49. What is one responsibility that is only for United States citizens?*
• serve on a jury
• vote
50. What are two rights only for United States citizens?
• apply for a federal job • vote
• run for office
• carry a U.S. passport
51. What are two rights of everyone living in the United States?
• freedom of expression
• freedom of speech
• freedom of assembly
• freedom to petition the government • freedom of worship
• the right to bear arms
52. What do we show loyalty to when we say the Pledge of Allegiance?
• the United States
• the flag
53. What is one promise you make when you become a United States citizen?
• give up loyalty to other countries
• defend the Constitution and laws of the United States
• obey the laws of the United States
• serve in the U.S. military (if needed)
• serve (do important work for) the nation (if needed) • be loyal to the United States
54. How old do citizens have to be to vote for Presi- dent?*
• eighteen (18) and older
55. What are two ways that Americans can participate in their democracy?
• vote
• join a political party
• help with a campaign
• Nancy Pelosi
48. Jane kater amandamente ne Kushtetute se kush mund te votoje. Preshkruani nje prej tyre?
• Qytetaret 18 vjec e siper mund te votojne.
• Nuk duhet te paguani per te votuar.
• Cdo qytetar mund te votoje duke perfshire burra dhe gra. • Qytetaret meshkuj te çdo rrace mund te votojne.
49. Cila eshte nje nga pergjegjesite e vlefshme vetem per qytetaret amerikane?*
• Te sherbeje ne juri
• Te votoje
50. Cilat jane dy te drejta qe i gezojne vetem qytetaret amerikane?
• Te aplikojne per nje pune federale
• Te votojne
• Te kene te drejte per tu zgjedhur • Te mbajne pasaporten amerikane
51. Cilat jane dy te drejta te secilit që jeton ne Shtetet e Bashkura?
• Liria e shprehjes
• Liria e fjales
• Liria e mbledhjes
• Liria per te bere peticion ndaj qeverise • Liria e besimit
• E drejta per te mbajtur arme
52. Ndaj kujt tregojme besnikeri kur bejme Betimin e njo- hur si Pledge of Allegiance?
• Shteteve te Bashuara
• Flamurit
53. Cila ehte nje nga premtimet qe beni kur beheni qytetar i Shteteve te Bashkuara?
• Ti japesh fund besnikerise tuaj ndaj vendeve te tjera
• Te mbrosh Kushtetuten dhe Ligjet e Shteteve te Bashkuara •Te zbatosh ligjet e Shteteve te Bashkuara
•Te sherbesh ne ushtrine amerikane ne qofte se ka nevoje A Ti sherbesh kombit ne qofte se duhet
• Te jesh besnik Shteteve te bashkuara te Amerikes
54. Sa vjeç duhet te jene shtetasit qe te votojne per Presi- dentin?
• 18 vjec
55. Cilat jane dy nga menyrat qe Amerikanet mund te mar- rin pjese ne demoktacine e vendit te tyre?
• Te votojne
• Te marrin pjese ne nje parti politike • Te ndihmojne ne fushata

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