Page 13 - 2021濠江通訊02
P. 13

 2021 濠江通訊 第二期
 JCI VP E-Meeting
因疫情的原因,世界副會長未能親身 拜訪澳門總會及分會,但亦安排了線上拜 訪讓總會及分會能夠介紹本年度的工作進 度及會員情況。而世界副會長亦分享世界 總會的資訊及和總會及分會的秘書處進行 訪問環節:
  Q&A Section:
What is the theme or main goal of 2021’s JCI Headquarter and what is the plan of delivering the message to National and Local Organisations?
Encourage local chapters to create projects that relate to the 4 areas and JCI RISE that JCI HQ has implemented. In addition, implementation of projects are not only focusing on the outcome of the projects but also the process and the teamwork in the progress.
It is important to build leadership and chairmanship through the process.
Would there be any expectation from the Headquarter to the National and Local Organisations that wishes them to achieve this year?
Membership growth is important but Membership retention is more important. Good membership retention of organisations indicates that the organisation is strong and provides values to the members.
Encourage training, projects related to membership retention and focus on adapting the new normal under the pandemic.
Encourage members to join ASPAC & WC to join the varieties of the training program and skill development courses and to learn parliamentary procedure by joining the Conference / Congress Assembly.
    JCI Explore
由國際青年商會中國澳門總會培訓學 院舉辦的 JCI Explore 培訓課程於 2021 年 6 月 16 日晚上七時假會址舉行,活動導 師梁森林青商先介紹如何在青商生涯中鍛 鍊領袖技能,目的為了協助初認識青商的 參加者了解成為領袖的條件,以提早適應 未來青商路上的挑戰。

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