Page 12 - Newsletter demo
P. 12

QUIZ Answers
We have three quizzes on classic cars for you to entertain yourself whilst in self-isolation.
1st quiz is the Picture Quiz on the front cover.
1. Hillman Minx Californian Coupé 1950’s
2. Austin A60 Cambridge
3. Jaguar Mk11
4. Lotus Elite
5. Austin A35
6. Ford Zodiac Mk IV
2nd is a Fun Trivia Quiz which has been compiled by Martin Hughes
1. Cars built in the 1950’s for Sir Bernard Docker, the chairman of Daimler 2. Jowett (Idle, a suburb of Bradford)
3. They were smaller than the Minx, Rapier and Gazelle.
4. Melody Minx
5. Jaguar
6. Hillman Avenger – the VW1500 was an Avenger built in Argentina
7. Saab in 1971
8. Queen Elizabeth 2
9. Cord in 1935
10. Atomic Kitten – the 2001 MG ZS Atomix
3rd is spot the difference.
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