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General Advice on Coronavirus
The WCCC remains committed to following the latest UK Government advice on the coronavirus and current government and public health advice states that all, non-essential social contact with other people should be avoided for foreseeable future.
Following discussions with the Committee it has been decided to postpone all WCCC events up to 31st May, this will include the Wednesday Club Meetings at the British Legion.
Please be assured that during this rapidly changing situation, we are monitoring the Government advice very closely and will let members know of future changes to the Clubs calendar of events.
Keep your eye on our Facebook for updates but in any case, I will keep in touch by email
and/or Newsletter.
Most importantly stay well and follow the Government’s advise stay at home to stop coronavirus spreading.
Click here to access FBGVC Coronavirus / General advise. (Issue 2 page 4)
This year we have 5 Shows/Events organised by the Club Committee.
a. Social Run & Treasure Hunt (Sunday 26th April)
This event has been POSTPONED, hope to be able to run this when the restrictions are lifted.
b. WIRRAL CLASSIC CAR SHOW (Sunday May 10th Claremont Farm)
This event has been CANCELLED. Looking forward to a bigger and better show in 2020
c. Historic Rally (Sunday 19st July)
This year’s event will again be organised by Geoff Bell and it is proposed to start at the Red Fox, lunch at Carr Farm and finishing at Thornton Hough Green.
We have stopped taking entries and will review the situation at the end of May. We have not cashed any of the cheques so if the event does not go ahead, we will shred them and anyone paying by BAC’s they will be reimbursed.
d. Gordale Run Sunday (20th September)
This year’s event will again be organised by Cliff Heald.
We will have an optional short run, around 15 miles to end up at Gordale. Remember all entries need to be received before 31st July 2020. Entry form for this is now available on our web site or Click Here to download. Note: This event is limited to 80 Vehicles.
Organised by Dawn Dixon date Saturday 5th December 2020 venue the same as last year Carr Farm Meols.
Classic Motor Show NEC Trip Saturday 14th November
At the moment this is on hold but if restrictions are lifted, we hope to be able to run this trip. Also, part of the NEC is now being converted into a Nightingale Hospital.
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