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Placings in the 2020 Enthusiasts’ Award are shown to those who have amassed points. It is members’ responsibility to check that their score is correct. The attendance list is collected by Penny Lord, at the club night and produced by Simon Thornton. Past Winners are shown in GREEN but are not eligible for the award at the AGM, as this can only be won outright once.
Qualification & Points: Attending Monthly meetings (3 points), Magazine/Newsletter articles (3 points), Introducing new member (5 points), Attending Club Events (3 Points) Bonus Points: Organising a show (10 points) Organising a Visit (5 points), Organising a Club Night (5 points), Club Night Speaker (5 points), Marshalling (5 points), Assisting at a Show/Club Night (5 points)
Short Talks (3 points)
(The List below show the points up to the end of March 2020)
157 David
511 Paul
496 Bob
402 Ralph
453 Tony 562 Ian
512 John 379 Paul 581 Ted 188 Bruce 510 Robert 615 Dave 596 Roger 495 Geoff 591 John 314 Howard 339 Alan 450 Penny 643 John 573 David 641 Tim 338 Allan 135 Cliff 356 Eric 560 David 485 Ronald 429 Roger 572 George 632 John 582 Peter 541 James 588 Simon 619 Graham 576 Stephen 216 Ian
518 Frank
Name Total
Boumphrey 40
Graham 28
Fletcher 26
Wilson 23
Bagnall 22 Dixon 22 Pidsley 20 Y oud 20 Bemand 15 Hazlehurst 15 Price 15 Morris 14 Whittall 14 Bell 12 Callcott 12 Finney 12 Green 12 Lord 12 White 12 Williams 12 Little 11 Briggs 9 Heald 9 Hignett 9 Johnson 9 Law 9 McCoy 9 McGuire 9 Morris 9 Nolan 9 Smythe 9 Thornton 9 Webber 9 Wright 9 Gaskill 8 Breen 6
208 Malcolm 559 John 645 Dave
600 Allan
601 Martin
644 Peter 540 Joe
612 Ken 574 Ron 569 Kevin 149 Geoff 618 Reg 555 Alex 375 Anne 413 Steve 621 Lee
607 William 207 Ken 628 Ron 613 John 374 Stewart 333 Lund 568 John 351 Morris 620 John 232 Clive 480 Dennis
72 Peter
169 Richard 497 Ken 554 Ronald 616 Robert 577 Barry 473 Richard 547 David
Name Total
Brewer 6 Cartlidge 6 Eldridge 6 Griffiths 6 Hughes 6 Hughes 6 Hustwayte 6 Oram 6 Owen 6 Roberts 6 Sharp 6 Webster 6 Williams 6 Williamson 6 Anderson 3 Currie 3 Farragher 3 Glass 3 Goodwin 3 Johnson 3 Langerhuizen 3 John 3 McLannahan 3 Nevin 3 Owen 3 Patterson 3 Pickering 3 Roca 3 Saunders 3 Sessford 3 Shrimpton 3 Soar 3 Steadman 3 Warren 3 W oods 3
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