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The club was originally formed in 1993 by a group of friends, who met at the Irby Mill pub and was called the Irby Mill Classic Car Club. The Club Night venue moved to the Greave Dunning and in 1995 the name was changed to Wirral Classic Car Club (WCCC). The Club is a member of the Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs (FBHVC).
Club Nights.
WCCC members meet on the last Wednesday of each month from 8.00pm throughout the year, except December, at the Royal British Legion premises. 78, Pensby Road, Heswall, CH60 7RF. A variety of activities are arranged including: - Model Night, Members Car Night, Ladies Night, Member’s Auction, Inter Club Quiz against other local car clubs and invited Speakers to give talks. A raffle is held on club nights with tickets costing £1.00 each for prizes. The Club prides itself on being friendly and endeavours to make everyone welcome. You do not have to own a classic car to be a member.
Main Events/Shows
The Club runs four annual events/shows comprising: - Social Run & Treasure Hunt in April, Wirral Classic Vehicle Show in May, Wirral Historic Vehicle Rally in July and Gordale Classic Vehicle Show & Run in September. We also support events run by other clubs and organisations, as well as informing our members of these shows and events advertised which are available for entrants from WCCC members.
Throughout the year members are encouraged to attend Club nights and support main Club events for which points are awarded towards the Enthusiasts Award. The award can only be won by a member once and the points table is published each month in the Newsletter.
Monthly Newsletter
A monthly Newsletter is produced with the latest details of activities and news, which is sent out to all members by email. The Newsletter has a range of articles, including details of future shows and events, members items for sale, articles from members and points table for the enthusiast’s award. There is also a link to the Bi-monthly FBHVC magazine received by the club and a link to our “Facebook” page which is only open to members of the Club. All members are encouraged to submit articles, photographs and items for inclusion in the Newsletter.
A range of merchandise is available for purchase by members including enamel car badges, car window stickers, baseball caps and polo shirts, all incorporating the club logo and are reasonably priced.
The Annual Subscription of £12.00 covers the whole family household and is due 1st January each year. Members joining after the 1st September shall have their subscriptions current until the following year. The accounting year ends 31st August, the AGM and prize giving is held in October.
The Wirral Classic Car Club has a supported charity each year, organising collections at our main events. Our present sponsored charity is DEMENTIA TOGETHER WIRRAL registration No. 1179533.
This handbook gives details of the Club history, facilities, Rules & Regulations, annual events, trophies, including past winners, past officers of the Club and classic cars notified as being owned by members.
The contents are for your personal use of current members only and are not available for the use of any outside body or non-member. Errors or omissions excluded.
© Wirral Classic Car Club
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