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Chairman Chat
Hi folks trust you are all staying safe, staying at home and in good health. It’s quite strange to write my Chairman’s chat when we haven’t had a club meeting or the Drive it Day (social Run and Treasure Hunt).
We have had to cancel our Problems and Solutions club night this month and also the presentation of David Smith and Peter Roca with Honorary Membership of the club, hopefully we will be able to make these awards at a meeting later this year when things have returned to normal.
We have also had to cancel The Wirral Classic Car Show for this year, which was to take place on the 10th May, I have sent out an email to the people who returned entry forms, informing them of the cancellation and also to Andrew Pimbley at Claremont Farm.
As a group we have been active on “Facebook” and now have 128 members a big thanks to John Cartlidge for organising the quizzes and all those members who have taken the time and made the effort to respond and add interesting articles, photos and comments. We have had a good response to our request for unusual photos of your car and/or components at the time of writing and there is still time to enter before the closing date of 11th May when the Committee and John Cartlidge will hopefully agree on a winner, providing the situation allows a bottle of wine will be delivered to their home.
David Boumphrey has been tirelessly working away on the Newsletter and also offering his services to members who have not been able to publish their photos for the above-mentioned competition.
If you have any ideas for keeping us all amused or have a story, anecdote or just something you may feel will be interesting to members give me or David a bell, alternatively add it to our Facebook site.
Please take care to add to The Wirral Classic Car Club Site as there is another site with a similar name Wirral Classic Cars Club which is nothing to do with us.
If you wish to contact other members their contact details are in the Handbook. Best wishes
Ralph Wilson
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